Colonel Gary S. Bonham


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Japan District
Published July 20, 2021

Colonel Gary S. Bonham was born in Reno, Nevada. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Nevada, Reno in 1994 where he was commissioned through the ROTC program as a second lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers. He also holds a Master of Science in Geological Engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla a Masters of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College and a Master of Science in National Resource Strategy from the National Defense University. His military education includes the Engineer Officer Basic Course, the Engineers Captains Career Course, the Combined Arms and Service Staff School, the Naval War College - the College of Naval Command and Staff and Senior Service College at the Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy. 

Colonel Bonham was first assigned to the 82nd Engineer Battalion, 3rd Infantry Division in Bamberg, Germany where he served as a Platoon Leader and Operations Officer.  In 2003, he was assigned to Engineer Brigade, 1st Infantry Division in Bamberg Germany where he served as the Operations Officer with the Brigade and subsequently as Commander of the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 82nd Engineer Battalion in 2005. He then commanded the East Bay Recruiting Company in Walnut Creek, CA from 2006 to 2008. In 2009, he joined the 130th Engineer Brigade Headquarters as the Brigade Plans Officer and Design Engineer. From 2011 to 2012, Colonel Bonham moved to the 84th Engineer Battalion on Schofield Barracks, HI as the Battalion Executive Officer. He then served as Deputy Commander, Albuquerque Engineer District from 2012 to 2014. From 2014 to 2016 he served in the Assistant Chief of Staff Engineers Directorate for the U.S. Army Pacific as the Operations Chief and Deputy Director. He served as the Commander of the 3-315th Brigade Engineer Battalion, 177th Armored Brigade, First Army East at Camp Shelby, Mississippi from 2016 to 2018. He then served with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency as the Deputy of the Enabling Capabilities Department, Research & Development Directorate. Before coming to Japan, he served as the Director, National Assessment Group, Defense Threat Reduction Agency.  Colonel Bonham currently commands the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Japan Engineer District, serving as Commander as well as Command Engineer. The district is headquartered at Camp Zama, Japan

His awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster), Meritorious Service Medal (with Five Oak Leaf Clusters), Army Commendation Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal (with Two Campaign Stars), Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal.

Colonel Bonham is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Nevada and is married to the former Jodie Shipp of San Jose, California.  They have one daughter, Adrianne and one son, Sebastian.



日本地区本部 司令官   

ゲリー S.ボナム大佐





であった。2003年にドイツ・バンベルグ駐留・第1歩兵師団・工兵旅団の運用士官に任命され、その後、2005年に第82工兵大隊の司令部司令中隊長を務めた。その後、2006年から2008年まで、同大佐は米国陸軍募集コマンドのカリフォルニア州ウォルナットクリーク、イーストベイ募集中隊で中隊長を務めた。大佐は、2009年に旅団計画官及び設計技師として第130工兵旅団司令部へ配属され、2011年から 2012年まで、ハワイ州スコフィールドバラックスの第84工兵大隊副大隊長、2012年から2014年まで陸軍工兵隊アルバカーキ地区・副司令官を務めた。2014年から2016年まで、米太平洋陸軍・副参謀長局技術司令部で運用部長及び次長を務め、2016年から2018年まで、ミシシッピ州キャンプシェルビーの第1軍陸軍東部管区・第177機甲旅団・第315旅団支援工兵連隊・第3大隊の指揮官を務めた後、大佐は国防脅威削減局(DTRA)にて研究開発本部・能力実現副部長を務めた。同大佐は、来日まで国防脅威削減局・国家評価班の部長を務めた。現在、ボナム大佐は座間キャンプに本部を置く米陸軍工兵隊日本地区(JED)の司令官及び技師長を務める。 

これまでの大佐の受勲は次の通りである。青銅星章(柏葉1)、勲功記章(柏葉5)、陸軍称揚章、 イラク従軍章(従軍星章2)、対テロ作戦遠征記章、対テロ作戦功績章。

