Host Nation Program

As the designated DoD construction agent for Japan, JED is responsible for the execution of Host Nation programs, including the Japan Facilities Improvement Program (JFIP), Special Action Committee on Okinawa (SACO), Defense Policy Review Initiative (DPRI) and various other host nation relocation projects. Products and services provided by JED in support of these Host Nation programs are generally funded by Planning and Design (P&D) funds provided by the Department of the Army.

Criteria Package Preparation

The primary purpose of a Criteria Package (CP) is to outline user and design requirements. The completed CP is provided to the Government of Japan, and becomes the basis for developing the Design Definitive Drawings (DDD) and the Construction Drawings.

USFJ issues the Japan Engineer District with authorizations to prepare CPs. The Japan Engineer District uses its in-house staff and A-E services to prepare the CPs. The CP is prepared in accordance with established agreements, policies, and procedures. Each functional and operational requirement is coordinated with the Installation Engineers and the Using Agencies. Technical requirements are obtained from various DoD, Government of Japan and Industry Standards.

Engineering Surveillance

The primary purpose of Engineering Surveillance (ES) is to assure that requirements identified in the Form 22 or 42 and Criteria Packages are included in the design documents prepared by the Government of Japan (GoJ) and to ensure that the design meets pertinent US operational, functional, and technical criteria. The ES is conducted during the DDD and Construction Drawing preparation phase. It includes performing technical reviews, conducting on-board review conferences, explaining and justifying US requirements, and reaching agreements on the final DDD and Construction Drawing designs for construction contract award.

The ES process is conducted for each Host Nation project in accordance with established agreements, policies and procedures, including the Memorandum of Understanding between the Japan Engineer District and the GoJ. As with the CP process, functional and operational requirements are further coordinated with the Installation Engineers and the Using Agencies. The Japan Engineer District addresses these requirements, along with engineering requirements, to the GoJ for incorporation into the design documents.

Technical Working Group (TWG)

The Technical Working Group (TWG), was established by the US Chairman of the Facilities Improvement and Relocation Panel (FIRP) in 1984 to support the Host Nation Funded Construction Program (HNCP). The TWG is managed under the Facilities Sub-Committee (FSC) and is responsible to coordinate and provide the detailed technical coordination between the USG and GoJ. The TWG serves all the US Forces Installations in Japan through their Service Component Representatives. The TWG discusses technical issues affecting HNCP, but does not discuss policy issues. One of the major roles of the TWG is to develop single criteria and standards that apply to facilities constructed under HNCP, regardless of which DoD Service Component or Agency the facility is being provided.

The TWG is chaired by United States Forces Japan, USFJ. Voting members are comprised of one representative from HQ US Army Japan; Commander, Naval Forces, Japan; Marine Corps Base Camp S.D. Butler, Japan; and the 5th Air Force. JED serves as the Secretary and Technical Lead/Staff. Installations can address technical issues and concerns that affect two or more Service Components, through their Service Component representatives to the TWG. The TWG serves as a means for US Service Components, JED, USFJ, and the GoJ to address technical issues affecting HNCP. Issues are investigated and discussed for possible incorporation into HNCP. Final decisions at the TWG are made by attaining majority votes, and constitute as a joint US position on the particular issues. Recommendations/findings are presented to the FSC by the chairman for closure. Negotiations with GoJ are conducted through the FIRP with technical support provided by JED as necessary. The TWG meets every month following the monthly FSC meeting.