CAMP ZAMA, JAPAN – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Japan District renewed their commitment to the nation’s emerging scientists and engineers with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding uniting Japan Engineer District and Zama Middle High School at JED’s headquarters here Jan. 19.
The memorandum was cosigned by Col. Thomas J. Verell, JED commander, and Henry LeFebre, ZMHS principal, underscoring the importance of the core curriculums of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
“Today’s signing affirms the Japan Engineer District’s recognition of the importance of STEM to the future political and economic well-being of the nation and the importance of Department of Defense Education Agency’s community strategic plan,” said Verell.
Working directly with students through mentoring, JED continues to be an active partner with ZMHS, supporting USACE’s objective to attract a highly competent and diverse STEM workforce increasing a divergent talent pool through the use of formal partnerships with equitable institutions and assisting in the development of future engineers and scientists by fostering a desire to pursue STEM-related careers.
“We’re really excited to give these kids a leg up through the mentorship of our great engineers. The ability to show real-world application of the STEM classes being taught in school here is opening a lot of eyes to career fields that these kids hadn’t considered. Signing this isn’t just a lot of words, it’s building better lives,” added Verell.
JED is headquartered at Camp Zama and operates field offices throughout Japan. The District executes the Japan Host Nation Funded Construction and U.S. MILCON programs as the Department of Defense design and construction agent. The District supports U.S. Forces and other agencies with quality, professional and comprehensive planning, engineering, construction, environmental and other value-added services.