Archive: 2016
  • December

    POJ leaders move forward by studying past

    Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni – Several U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officers met in Iwakuni recently to hone their leadership skills by learning more about Japan’s history.
  • September

    USACE aids Marine Corps with lifesaving training

    Marine Corps Installation Pacific Fire and Emergency Services, Japan (MCIPAC FESJ) was able to conduct invaluable emergency response training recently with help from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Japan District.
  • July

    USACE Engineer Castle flown over Marine headquarters in Japan

    Passersby Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni Building 1 on July 16th may have had to look twice when they saw the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's bright red castle flag flying over the Marine headquarters.
  • USACE Japan District welcomes new commander

    Colonel Rafael F. Pazos assumed command of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Japan District July 8 during a ceremony held on Camp Zama, Japan. Pazos succeeds Colonel John S. Hurley, who has been commander and district engineer since July 9, 2013.
  • April

    Corps Pacific Ocean Division top enlisted Soldier reflects on visit to Japan

    Command Sgt. Major Yolanda Tate, the top enlisted Soldier in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Pacific Ocean Division stepped foot on Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan for the first time and, said she liked what she saw.
  • Corps Construction projects designed for community improvement undergo final inspections

    Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Japan District’s Iwakuni Resident Office has readied several more new buildings for handover to Marine Corps Air Station directorates.
  • March

    Corps’ Iwakuni Japan Resident Office prepping for busy March

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Japan District’s Iwakuni Resident Office is hustling to prepare 10 projects to be turned over to the U.S. government this month. A challenge that will take intricate planning for an office that normally hands over about two jobs a month.
  • Corps’ Iwakuni Japan Resident Office prepping for busy March

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Japan District’s Iwakuni Resident Office is hustling to prepare 10 projects to be turned over to the U.S. government this month. A challenge that will take intricate planning for an office that normally hands over about two jobs a month.
  • January

    New recycling center ready for occupants

    The new recycling center aboard Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan is one step closer to opening now that the keys are in the hands of installation managers.